Morrisons Daily Stores

Where can I find my nearest Morrisons Daily store?

You can find your nearest Morrisons Daily Store on our Store Finder website. Please click here.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

Where can I find Morrisons Daily opening hours?

Our stores offer different opening times to suit their local communities. Click here to find your nearest store and it's opening hours.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

How do I contact my local Morrisons Daily store?

Click here to find your nearest store and it's contact details.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

What products do you offer at Morrisons Daily?

Morrisons Daily cater for a wide variety of customer needs, offering essential food and groceries, fresh fruit and vegetables, ready meals and freshly prepared food to go products. We also offer a best in class ‘own label’ range of fresh and frozen food as well as well as everyday essentials from the Morrisons brand. Click here to find your nearest store.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

What types of services are available in Morrisons Daily stores?

Our stores offer everyday useful services and each one is designed to serve its local community. Click here to find your nearest store and a full list of services available.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

What are the Post Office opening times?

As the largest operator of Post Offices in the UK, we run around 600 in-store counters/branches. Click here to find your nearest store and see if your store operates a Post Office service. Please contact the store direct for their Post office opening hours.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

What payment methods do you accept at Morrisons Daily?

Our stores accept most major payment methods including:

  • Cash (GBP)
  • Debit cards (Contactless up to £100)
  • Credit cards (Visa and Mastercard)
  • Apple Pay
  • Android Pay
  • American Express


We only accept cheques when paying your news account.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

Do you have any age restricted products in Morrisons Daily Stores?

We have a number of age-restricted products in our Morrisons Daily Stores, these include;

  • Alcohol - you must be 18 or over.
  • Tobacco – you must be 18 or over.
  • E-cigarettes and e-liquids – you must be 18 or over.
  • Blades or razors – you must be 16 or over.
  • Energy drinks – you must be 16 or over.
  • Lottery tickets –you must be 18 or over.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

I’ve been over charged in a Morrisons Daily Store

If you believe you have been overcharged, please return to the store where this occured, to discuss directly.

Alternatively, you can contact our customer service team by clicking on the 'Yes' button below.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

Do you still require help to answer your question?

Click yes to contact us

How do I get an in-store refund for Morrisons Daily?

If you beleive you require a refund for a product purchased in one of our Morrisons Daily stores, please return to the store where you made the purchase, to discuss directly.

Alternatively, you can contact our customer service team by clicking on the 'Yes' button below.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

Do you still require help to answer your question?

Click yes to contact us

Do you accept Healthy Start vouchers at Morrisons Daily?

Yes, all Morrisons Daily stores in England and Wales accept Healthy Start vouchers. Please click here for further information.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

I would like to compliment a member of Morrisons Daily staff

We are pleased that you received good customer service. Please contact Customer Services by clicking on the 'Yes' button below to leave your compliment. Be sure to leave the store name and member of staff where possible.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

Do you still require help to answer your question?

Click yes to contact us

I’m not happy with service received in a Morrisons Daily store

We’re sorry that you're unhappy with the service you received. Please contact the store directly with your query. If you still require further assistance, please contact Customer Services by clicking on the 'Yes' button below.

Updated on: 18 October 2024

Do you still require help to answer your question?

Click yes to contact us

Do your Morrisons Daily stores have car parking available?

Most of our Morrisons Daily stores have car parking availability. 

Click here to find your nearest store. Full store contact details can be found on that page as well as full details of facilities available.

Updated on: 18 October 2024