What can I recycle in store?
You can find a list of what we can accept at our carrier bag recycling points below.
Accepted items:
Plastic carrier bags, plastic bread bags, plastic cereal bags and inner cereal bags, plastic wrappers and ring joiners from multipacks of cans and plastic bottles, plastic wrappers from toilet roll and kitchen towel packs, plastic freezer bags, plastic magazine and newspaper wrap (type used for home delivery only), thin bags used for fruit and veg at supermarkets, bubble wrap, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) - resin ID code 4, flexible plastic multi-pack can holders/rings
Unaccepted items:
Any non-polythene film (eg PP, PVC), cling film, food and drink pouches, crisp packets, film lids from ready meals and food trays.
Updated on: 08 June 2022